Habs Tweetup in Toronto: A FANtastic Event!
Saturday, February 18, 2012
by Dayes, HabsTweetup.com (AllHabs.net)
TORONTO, ON -- Maybe it was an omen. I woke up Saturday morning to a city of white...but diehard Habs fans don’t let a few inches of pesky snowflakes stand in their way – not even in Leafs Nation. February 11, 2012 was the date of the most recent Habs-Leafs showdown, and what better way to spend it than with 25 of your closest Tweeple. That’s right! Behold! The Habs Tweetup – Tdot edition!
At 6:00 pm St. Louis Bar and Grill, in the heart of downtown Toronto, was adopted by Montreal. The CH filled the upper level. Okay, maybe the CH didn’t fill the upper level. Officially, in attendance at the Habs Tweetup were 14 Habs fans and 12 Leafs fans. While we won (but did not dominate) in bodies, we conquered in sound. You would have thought you were at the Bell Centre!
With a somewhat slow first period, the expected disappointed groans and Tortorella-style armchair coaching for both teams were surprisingly subdued.

Or maybe people were too busy eating the mounds of food that arrived 10 minutes into the first period. What is this food I speak of? There were four enormous plates of nachos and four heaping plates of poutine – all courtesy of St. Louis Bar & Grill! What can I say? They were absolutely stellar hosts.
As the second period got under way, the cordial niceties started to wane and the Habs started what would become an onslaught on the Leafs net. And with each goal, the mostly silent bar erupted in loud cheering. Many of the patrons on the lower levels of the bar were thoroughly confused by our enthusiasm.

During the second intermission, it was time to pay homage to a Jaroslav that had served Montreal for many years. And this time, it was the Spatchoman himself. Coordinated by @kuyaz, the Habs fans (and even a couple of Leafs fans) sang a glorious rendition of “Happy Birthday” to everyone’s favourite Spaceman. Jaroslav Spacek, Happy 38th Birthday! From the Habs fans in Toronto!
In honour of Hockey Day in Canada the All Habs Trivia Challenge focused on Hockey Day-related questions, putting everyone's hockey knowledge to the test! It was @mbouf who reigned supreme, winning a generously donated $25 gift card courtesy of the good people at St. Louis. (If you want to find out about her experience at the Habs Tweetup, you can check out her review of the event.) Our other winners were Kelly Anne (an attendee via our Facebook event), and @PatrickFarrell1, who both won micro-Habs jerseys.

All in all, it was a successful event. The turnout was great. The people at St. Louis took excellent care of us. Oh, and did I mention that the Habs beat the Leafs 5-0? That's right! Blanchissage, baby!!! There was so much cheering with each goal, that by the time we got to the end of the game @kuyaz and I had lost our voices. We couldn’t even sing OlĂ©!
So next time you hear or read about Habs Tweetup in Toronto (or any city, for that matter), make a point to attend. It’s all part of surviving in Leafs Nation, and if nothing else, it’s a great party! @kuyaz and I (@cokeaddict) would love to see you there.
Photo credits: Dayes (for all photos, click HERE)
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