Pockets of red were seen amidst the sea of blue, yet those pockets were actually LOUDER than the Leafs fans at Hoops that night. Represent! Sure, the Leafs got lucky and managed to take the opener by a margin of 3-2, but for those 24 who attended (both Leafs and Habs fans) - the night was spectacular. A night to remember for sure.
I'd like to give a special thanks to Gabby - one of the managers at Hoops who worked with me on organizing this event for the past month. To score a decent location for a group of about 25 on opening night in Toronto vs the Habs was definitely a task and a half. RealSports (recently voted number one sports bar in North America by ESPN) was fully booked with corporate parties. Gretzky's (where I've held past events before) wasn't taking reservations that night and unfortunately couldn't accommodate my group. St. Louis Bar and Grill was in the same boat. But Hoops pulled through, with the only stipulation being that my seats would be ready at 7pm, as opposed to 630pm, because at that point many would probably be making their way to the ACC for the game.
I got there with
@Elysia3G about 10mins past 7p as we were stuck in crazy downtown Tdot traffic, while I fielded my bbm's and txt mgs regarding my whereabouts. As I arrived, I was ecstatic to see an entire "Upper Deck" section reserved for the HabsTweetup! Many familiar faces, and some new ones too.
@jfurlong23 are 3 of my coworkers who madly support those, umm, Leafs. But Jeff (@jfurlong23) said it best that night… he stated how much of a diehard Leafs fan he is but compared to "kuyaz" and his Habs, he's not even 1/10th of the fan I am… bahahahaha! Awesome. Let's not forget my other coworker with them,
@moshy40 who I convinced last year to join team Habs after showing her a pic of Maxim Lapierre (haha). Ah yes, hence why she has a number 40 on her ballcap!

My very good friend and first ever person I met on twitter
@Nock4Six was in the house too! She's a Leafs AND a Habs fan. How? I have no idea… very, very, rare but she, as many of you may know, is awesome-awesome-awesome. Maybe I should take away one of those "awesomes" because she decided she'd cheer for the blue that night! Along with her were
@naelshawwa (neutral) and
@shrued (Leafs). Habs fans, it's time to get @naelshawwa onboard the REAL team's side! One of the booths along the side (see
pics) had an even 50/50 fan split.
@HabsFan1980 (great seeing you again!) and
@phjoshua (amazing meeting you!) occupied the left (Team Habs) and my good friend
@clickflickca (social media guru and creator of #ICE - interact, communicate, engage) and
@walkerlucas (awesome meeting you too!) occupied the right… aka, Team, umm… yeah. ;)
Just in time for puckdrop… and who walks in? OMG it's the one and only,
@tabithalavoie! Habs fans were pumped that another smart fan has joined the crew! I had the pleasure of meeting Tabitha during the Habs-Flyers playoff series last year when @amanada11 was in town and we, along with @dohRG decided to hit up St. Louis on Bay St. to represent our boys. Now do you see why I love Twitter and Habs Tweetups? Yes, I know I can be a social butterfly sometimes, especially after a few pints of my @mooseheadlager - but still, if you haven't had the chance to attend one yet, we suggest you get on that - asap. It's an amazing experience, and you will create friendships that will last a lifetime.
And while I'm on the topic, book it now Toronto Habs fans… next HabsTweetup in the GTA is on Nov. 20 (vs Leafs) at our very own Habs-friendly bar, Kilgour's on Bloor Street! (RSVP for it by clicking
Shortly thereafter, (as he went from table to table targeting Habs jerseys and asking if they were part of the HabsTweetup)
@eastonj finally scored as he stepped onto the Upper Deck to join the festivities! What a super friendly fella. It was great meeting you Jay. Looking forward to seeing you at Kilgour's! Sorry I didn't get to my DMs that night!
Many thanks go out to
@All_Habs and
@FlyersRule - without them, HabsTweetups wouldn't be possible. Merci to Rick for sending me an All Habs t-shirt to use as a prize giveaway. We drew for the tee during 2nd intermission and had our waitress (in a Leafs jersey but excellent service may I add) pick the winning Twitter name. Thank goodness it wasn't a Leafs fan! Big congrats to @phjoshua, proud owner of a brand new All Habs t-shirt!
Finally, the grand master himself showed face, all decked in his Habs paraphernalia. Don't mess… he has arrived: *drum roll please…*
@NastyKnate was in the house from Waterloo! It was awesome meeting you Nate! Hoping to see you again at future HabsTweetups!
Oh, oh, oh… hold up. Did I mention how many times @Elysia3G and @HabsFan1980 schooled some Leafs fans on the patio during all the rounds of trash-talkin'? Those Leafers were speechless. No match. I'd love to post about what was said but this is a PG-rated platform. How about we save it for later and you can all witness in person at our next event? Good job ladies!
Well, there you have it. I'm sorry, but I do tend to ramble when I post about things that get my blood flowing. One word everyone… HABULOUS. Looking forward to having more of you attend a
HabsTweetup near you!
Go Habs Go!